stick by


stick by 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. to remain faithful to; adhere to

stick by 近义词

stick by

等同于 back

stick by

等同于 support

stick by

等同于 uphold

更多stick by例句

  1. Added to drinking water at concentrations of around one part per million, fluoride ions stick to dental plaque.
  2. He wore white gloves, a dignified long black coat, and matching pants and vest, and he carried a dark walking stick.
  3. After some animated debate at the conference, Lelaie declared, with some frustration, “If you push on the stick, you will fly.”
  4. A step-by-step plan to break from your various technology addictions.
  5. Those snakes attacked unwitting passers-by, or invaded homes and hotels.
  6. All along the highways and by-paths of our literature we encounter much that pertains to this "queen of plants."
  7. You see, they always butter their chairs so that they won't stick fast when they sit down.
  8. John was baptizing at a large pool called Ænon-by-Saleim,—probably allegorical, meaning “Fountain of Repose.”
  9. The sewing-machine made a resounding clatter in the room; it was of a ponderous, by-gone make.
  10. Mr. Spurrell came down to see a horse, and we shall be very glad to have the benefit of his opinion by-and-by.